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Product Progress Update - January 6, 2025

[GB] Paper80 x Whatever Studio


We are pleased to inform you that most orders for the Paper80 have been successfully shipped. Please keep an eye on your logistics information for updates.

There are still 4 orders that have not been shipped. We have sent you an email and look forward to your prompt response so we can ship your orders as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team.

Delivery time: Ongoing


Coming Soon on Wuque

  1. Aurora V2- Under planning.
  2. Mammoth V2- Under development.


In-Stock on Wuque

  1. [In Stock] WS Poker Double Shot PBT Keycap
  2. WS Keycap Series
  3. WS Stupid Stabilizer
  4. [In Stock] Switches
  5. [In Stock] WS Amber Keycap Series
  6. [Limited In-stock] WS x Akuamarin Keycaps kit
  7. Overseas warehouse shipping
  8. [Limited In-stock] WS Entwined Flowers Keycap Set
  9. [Limited In-stock]Freya & Freya Ultra
  10. [Limited In-stock]Freya Add-on
  11. Mammoth/Aurora Series - Limited Returns
  12. [Limited In-stock] Christmas Series
  13. [Limited In-stock] WS PBT Mizu Keycaps
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