Ikki68 Badge GB - Round 1
Group buy runs from March 9 - March 23, 2021.
You can buy any of the badges listed in any of the pages below. You can buy as many as you'd like, in any of the color options listed in the product pages.
This is a fulfillment sale. Nothing will go out of stock. Please take your time ordering to minimize order combination and edit requests.
Where's my commissioned Bespoke Badge?
If you commissioned a bespoke badge just for yourself or a small group of people, you will receive a PM on discord with a link to purchase your commissioned badge between March 10 - 11. There are a lot of Bespoke Badges and it takes a long time to add them to the website while making sure there are no mistakes.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we ask that you hold off from ordering until you receive a link to the product page containing your commissioned bespoke badge.
This only applies to people who designed / had someone design a badge just for themselves / a small, exclusive group.